About Us

The Equity Research Association (ERA) was recently established in 2020 at The University of Melbourne.

ERA is an independent student body focused on developing a well-rounded equity research skillset amongst our university student community. ERA aims to showcase objective research done by our peer’s


  1. Provide members insight into the equity research industry, specifically how it acts to support the operations of other industries such as asset management and investment banking.

  2. To offer members a clear picture of careers in equity research and enable members to be updated with the recent equity research career opportunities, as well as networking opportunities with equity research firms.

  3. To enhance members’ understanding about how fundamental factors such as corporate governance, competitive advantages and industry landscape affect the prospects of real-world companies.

  4. To equip members with practical skills on researching the fundamentals of real-world companies and industries. Specifically, with a focus on sourcing information, direction of research and analysing companies’ future prospects.

  5. To act as a platform for like-minded students to regularly interact and discuss their findings from their research.